This month our theme is IMAGINATION. We’ll dance like banana stuffed scarecrows, read books about eating fluffy clouds, and make wacky mobile monster mates during crafter-noon. As always, all these activities will run all day, every day, and are all included with Free Play tickets.
But why is imagination so important to nurture? MoPA Team Member, Kim, explains.
“Picture a world where anything is possible—a world where dragons roam, castles float among the clouds, and ordinary objects transform into magical treasures. This is the realm of imagination, a boundless playground where children explore, create, and dream without limits.
Imagination isn’t just child’s play; it’s a vital skill that lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning, innovation, and empathy. When children engage their imaginations, they’re not just escaping reality; they’re actively constructing new worlds, solving problems, and flexing their creative muscles.
In the realm of imagination, children become architects of their own destinies, navigating imaginary landscapes, and experimenting with endless possibilities. Whether they’re inventing fantastical stories, building elaborate forts, or crafting imaginary friends, imagination opens doors to exploration and self-discovery.
But imagination is more than just make-believe; it’s a powerful tool for developing essential life skills. Through imaginative play, children learn to think critically, solve problems, and adapt to new situations. They learn to see the world from different perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding for others.
Moreover, imagination is the birthplace of innovation and creativity—the driving forces behind progress and change. When children dare to dream, they become inventors, artists, and visionaries, shaping the world around them with their ideas and aspirations.
Nurturing imagination isn’t just about encouraging flights of fancy; it’s about fostering a sense of wonder and possibility in every aspect of life. Whether it’s through storytelling, art, or open-ended play, parents can cultivate a rich imaginative landscape where their children can explore, create, and thrive.
In a world that’s constantly evolving, imagination is the compass that guides us forward, inspiring us to dream big, reach for the stars, and imagine the impossible. So let’s celebrate the power of imagination and encourage our children to embrace the magic of their own imaginations, for it’s through their dreams that the future is born.”
Yep. That’s right. FREE. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get out there and cut some intergeneration shapes on the MoPA D-floor!!
To celebrate the beautiful role grandparents play in our lives and our families, we’ve decided to rename February to “Forever Young February” here at MoPA.
Now… The bouncers are under strict instruction to shuffle all grandparents to the front of the queue - and waive their ticket price... All. February. Long!
Note: We do still require that grandparents book online - but only to help us manage the comfy capacity limitations we maintain at MoPA (ticket prices at the checkout for grandparents are $0).
And so - Meemaw, Nene, Gigi, Glam, Pa, Zayde, Pop, Babu, Grandad, Gramps and Abuelo - we’ll see you ALL on the dance floor at MoPA this FEB, to show these young folk how that chicken dance SHOULD be done! 💃🕺🐔🎉
Term 1 Art Classes start in just 2 weeks (Feb 3rd)!! 🥳
Our Thomastown, Sandringham and Geelong Museum’s ALL still have a handful of spaces left for the Monday and Tuesday afternoon classes. Do NOT miss out - jump onto the website now to secure your enrolment in the 8 week Term 1 program!! 😘
AFTERNOON ART CLASSES: Bookings for Term 1 are Now Open!
Kaila and the amazing team of educators here @MoPA are VERY excited to meet our new students. Enrol now to secure the day that works best for your Term 1 schedule! x MoPA
WORST kept secret of 2025? 🤔 MoPA is coming to Nunawading!!!
No one imagined we’d find the perfect location for a Children’s Museum in Melbourne’s East so early in 2025. But it happened. It’s a thing. Work has already begun on a HUGE new Children’s Museum - right here in the heart of Melbourne’s EAST... On Whitehorse Road, Nunawading!
The Museum is set to open mid-2025. To learn more, watch the progress unfold, and get early access, be sure to join the mailing list. Head to the Nunawading page on our website for all the juicy deets.
GET EXCITED!! Enrolments for Afternoon Art Classes @ MoPA - TERM 1 - are NOW OPEN!!
World’s BEST art teachers. Beautiful workshops. Small class sizes. Convenient afternoon class times (4 til 5.30). Available at our Geelong Museum, Thomastown Museum AND Sandringham Museum. Carers can ‘drop-and-run’ or ‘stay-and-play’ (use our wifi to smash out some work). Chef prepped snacks. HEAVEN for your lil’ CREATIVE!!
Loads of deets on the website. Classes are expected to sell out quickly. Soooooo excited!! x
Just some of our FAVE dress-up craft creations so far. Seeing what children do with such an open brief is truly magical. Love love love these works of art.
For the remainder of the school hol’s we’re exploring THE ART OF DRESSING UP at MoPA. This activity and many more activations are all included in each session. See post and website for deets. xx
THE ART OF DRESS UPS! Showing From Jan 2nd til’ Feb 3rd
While activities like dress-ups may seem like harmless fun, these joyful shenanigans can actually be VERY. Serious. Business...
Children (and sometimes adults!) dress up because it’s just fun, of course. But children also use these make-believe opportunities to experiment with personas and scenarios that reach far beyond regular everyday life. The dress-up games they play enhance their creative skills, and it’s also now proven that children build fundamental social skills through play; and these skills pay dividends well into adult life.
All of MoPA’s new dress-up activities, and the materials required to participate in them, are all included with all regular tickets.
As we head into the holiday period, we thought it would be helpful to remind our gorgeous guests that you must book your tickets to MoPA online, prior to arrival.
We receive amazing feedback about limiting entry numbers in order to maintain a comfortable and safe environment.
Many of the team at MoPA are parents too, and so you can be sure that we all fully appreciate how difficult it can be to be super organised with your lil’uns 24-48 hours ahead of time. Booking your tickets online, however, does mean that you will never ever find MoPA to be overcrowded - even if it’s a rainy day in the middle of the school holidays ☔️🚗🎨🌈
The first week of school holidays are already 85-90% sold out, but there are LOTS of tickets available after Xmas and into January ♥️