World-class play-based learning excursions, now taking bookings!

MoPA is filled to the brim with sensory, immersive, play-based learning experiences. The Museums, and all the activities your children will encounter during their visit, have been carefully curated to support both Early Learning Outcomes and the Victorian Curriculum associated with foundation and Year-1 year levels.

Already, thousands of Kindergarten, Foundation and Year-1 students have enjoyed play-based learning excursions at MoPA, and we are so excited to offer this same rich experience to your pupils.


Our Museums have been specifically designed to support early learning principles, which means the connections through to the Early Years Learning Framework (“EYLF”) are plentiful. The strongest connections specific to our excursion programmes are below, but the education team will happily build a focus to suit any context/focus


Children have a strong sense of identity

Children are connected with and contribute to their world

Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Children are confident and involved learners

Children are effective communicators


English: VCELT148, VCELT150, VCELT171

Maths: VCMMG082, VCMMG081

Science: VCSSU048, VCSIS051

Visual Art: VCAVAE017, VCAVAV018

Personal & Social Capability: VCPSCSE002, VCPSCSO004, VCPSCSO005, VCPSCSO006, VCPSCSE001

Critical & Creative Thinking: VCCCTR005, VCCCTM009

Dance: VCADAE017

Drama: VCADRD018

Health & Physical Education: VCHPEP060, VCHPEM064, VCHPEM065, VCHPEM068, VCHPEM070

Ready to book?

Excursions typically book out 8-10 weeks in advance. To secure your preferred date, select your local museum:



What does yellow SMELL like? Ok, but what does it SOUND like? And how does it FEEL?

Asking children abstract questions about simple subject matter is SUCH a fun and fascinating way to unlock creative thinking. The resulting discussions will also probably be the cutest thing you’ll hear all week. 

Those that have explored the giant sensory colour wheel at MoPA Sandringham will remember that this exhibit is a huge abstract exploration of colour. And if you’ve perhaps just walked past it in the past, thinking that it sits smack bang in the centre of the Museum just because it’s beautiful - next time we suggest you pause, engage, discuss your colourful ideas with those around you, and soak up your child’s amazing abstract thought exploration…

x MoPA
As we grow older, and then become mothers and fathers ourselves, we start to realise that communicating the depth of our gratitude for Mums is impossible. But we sure can try 🥰 !!

This week at MoPA, we plan to do our BEST to show all our mothers and others just how much we love and appreciate them. Starting Monday 6th we’re kicking off a full week of festivities starting with the most gorgeous crafter-noons (and crafter-mornings!? 😅) making thousands of the lil’ flower cards pictured here in this post. 

All our Mumma-focused curriculum will run ALL day EVERY day, right up until Mother’s Day, May 12th. 

Love you Mum 💝 

x MoPA
There ain’t nothin’ like a super-cute puppy post to get us all to paws and reflect... 🐾

One of MoPA’s key partners, MacKillop Family Services, do LOTS of AMAZING work to ensure every child has the opportunity to grow up in a safe and loving home. One beautiful example [that’s particularly close to home for the team here at MoPA] of their work is the incredible “Paw Pals” program; supporting the placement of therapy dogs with children who have experienced trauma, to help them reconnect with their learning. 

Some of the MoPA team actually had the pleasure of meeting one of the program’s participants recently and... WOW. This. Program. Changes. Lives.

And today - 30 April, 2024 - MacKillop’s matching partners are TRIPLING all donations to the annual #pawpalsappeal . So, a $10 donation will become $30; $100 becomes $300, and the $333 donation MoPA has made this morning has become $999 - WOOP! 

Head to before midnight tonight to TRIPLE your impact ❤️

Fully hosted, cupcaked, ballooned birthday parties are our thang!! 

Oh… And personalised exhibits, private rooms, party bags, children’s food packs, all dietaries catered, gourmet adult platters, family dance parties, coffee tabs, bubbles and beers, and SMASHINGS of fun!!! 

All parties book out roughly 8-weeks in advance. Give us a buzz if you have any questions!! xx MoPA
(Sound on) John Cleese: “Creativity is not a talent… It is a way of operating” ❤️ 

Right now at MoPA we’re curating self-expression and operating a brand new craft activity that, with the help of shape, material, and colour, challenges us to place and create a thumbprint that, although made of the very same foundations as all others, celebrates our unique perspective. Serious fun. But also serious 🧐😍🤪… FUN!
Starting TODAY we’re curating SELF-EXPRESSION at MoPA, with these super cute activities. 

Dancing, storytelling, playing, making, it’s all heaps of FUN, but it’s also super important for development. How? Why? Our team of educators explain…

“When children learn to express themselves, it fosters creativity (of course) but it also builds confidence and emotional intelligence, empowering them to communicate their ideas and feelings, develop an identity and belonging and enhance critical thinking.”

x MoPA
There’s still 40 tickets left for todays play sessions!